Les souffrances d’un oeuf pourri

Home / Other Filmmakers / Roland Lethem / Filmography / Les souffrances d’un oeuf pourri

1967, 16 mm, colour, 15 min

Director : Roland Lethem
Script : Roland Lethem
Pictures : Claude Neckel
Mounting : Jean-Marie Buchet
Producer : Natacha Schinski
Acting : Abdrée Mc Ley, Roland Lespineux, Jio Berk, Nicole Duport, Roland Lethem


Les Souffrances D’Un Oeuf Meurtri shows the sufferings of desire in the non-specific symbols of the unconscious.That the film is an obscure sketch-pad of sublimated problems does not vitiate its interes. l magery which comes as in the moments between waking and sleep, from an ‘irrational secret life’ is more untarnished, more out of control, yet just as significant as the conscious one-to-one concept-for-image symbolism of a director like Bergman.

Mike Wallington, “Roland Lethem : Les souffrances d’un oeuf pourri”, cinéma n°8