Concerning a cow and a shed

Home / Other Filmmakers / Patrick Van Antwerpen / Filmography / Concerning a cow and a shed


The vaudevillesque to-ing and fro-ing of a cow, a kindly milkmaid, a farm boy and a comedy rural policeman.

Concerning a cow and a shed


Script et production : Patrick Van Antwerpen

Assistant : Boris Lehman

Production director : Jacqueline Louis

Image : Michel Houssiau

Picture assistant : Gérard Collet

Sound : Henri Morelle

Make up : Nancy Baudoux

Mounting : Denise Vindevogel

Music : Philippe Boesmans

Régie : Maurice Van Wemmel et Daniel De Valck

Interpreters : Dany Houssiau, Roger de Moerloose, Joost Boer et Herman Fabri