Art & Cinéma H.Storck

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Art & Cinema, Henri Storck. Price 19 €

In 1944, Henri Storck starts making documentaries on art. He devotes two films to Paul Delvaux. Together with art critic Paul Haesaerts he makes Rubens, a long exploration – at times didactic, at times lyric – of the world of the great Baroque painter. Its inventiveness was awarded by the first prize for documentary at the Venice film festival in 1949. The Open Window plunges the spectator into the most famous landscapes of Belgian, French, English and Dutch artists. An Artists Reunion dates from 1945, and in 1953 he portrays Flemish writer, intellectual and theatre educationist Herman Teirlinck.



This shop item contains two discs: one DVD


Le monde de Paul Delvaux
Henri Storck, 1944-46 – 11′
Réunion d’artistes
Henri Storck, 1945 – 3′
Henri Storck / Paul Haesaerts, 1948 – 64′
La fenêtre ouverte
Henri Storck, 1952 – 19′
Paul Delvaux ou les femmes défendues
Henri Storck, 1969-70 – 26′
Herman Teirlinck
Henri Storck, 1953 – 54′


Buying a DVD

DVDs can be bought at the Fonds Henri Storck 19 € or be paid via bank transfer and send by post
25 € (19 € + 6 € shipping costs Belgium)
29 € (19 € + 10 € shipping costs overseas and abroard

Transfer the exact amount (see our catalogue below) on the following account, please do not forget to mention your address details and the DVD title(s) by using keywords.


Fonds Henri Storck
avenue de l’art 19F
1000 Brussels
IBAN BE28 2100 6792 5920

The package should arrive within 2 weeks



Technical info

1 DVD + 1 Blu-ray
All regions / 169 min.
Languages French, Dutch
Subtitles Dutch, English