Le bonheur d’être aimée (The Happiness of Being Loved), 35 mm/color (Eastmancolor)/14 minutes/1962
Le chant du peintre (the Painter’s Song), 35 mm/color/11 minutes/1978
La fenêtre ouverte (The open window), 35 mm/color (Technicolor)/18 minutes/1952
Herman Teirlinck, 35 mm/B & W/55 minutes/1953
Les malheurs de la guerre (The Misfortunes of War), 35 mm/color (Eastmancolor)/11 minutes/1962
Le monde de Paul Delvaux (the World of Paul Delvaux), 35 mm/B & W/11 minutes/1944 (geluid in 1946)
Paul Delvaux ou les femmes défendues (Paul Delvaux or Women Defended), 35 mm/color/18 minutes/1969-1970
Permeke, 35 mm/color (Fuji)/90 minutes/1984-1985
Réunion d’artistes (Meeting of Artists), 35 mm/B & W/Silent/7 minutes/1945
Rubens, 35 mm/B & W (Gevaert)/65 minutes/1948