The Wheel of Fortune

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Report on the public draw of the winning numbers at the Cirque Royal.

Before this became commonplace on television, the machines that spun the balls of fortune were a big event. Congolese people in uniform, important gentlemen in majestic armchairs, the Brabançonne and the highly elaborate ceremony for the draw to prove that there was no cheating. Filmed in a literal manner, looked at now, sixty years after, the film has taken on a certain air of nostalgia and gentle irony.


Director : Henri Storck

Camera : François Rents, Marius Mahieu, André Cauvin

Camera : Vinten and Bell Howell

Music : André Souris

Voice : Marcel Josz

Production : CEP

Film commissioned by the Colonial Lottery. Seventh draw, July 1938


Dutch version entitled Het rad der fortuin


35mm/B and W/15’/1938